Essential Newborn Care 2 – Participant

Essential Newborn Care 2

Essential Newborn Care 2

Course by.. ..and..


Essential Newborn Care 2 (ENC 2) is the second part of the ENC course, called Assessment and Continuing Care

With this course you will develop the knowledge, skills, and competency to assess a newborn and continue care after the first hour of life.

  • Hands-on skills practice is essential for the course.
  • This page provides you with the information and resources you need to participate in the course. Please follow guidance from your facilitator.

Learning materials

Here you can find the PDF or online versions of the course materials, that you can view digitally. In some cases your facilitator will also provide printed versions. These materials are currently in an interim/pilot version.

Action Plan

The Action Plan will guide during the course. After the course, keep it visible in your facility to help you remember what you have learned.

Provider Guide

This guide will help you continue practicing and improve the quality of care.

Simulation Practice Cards

During the course you will use Simulation Practice Cards for group practice, either online or printed. After the course you can continue practicing using the same cards.

Parent Guide

The parent guide can be used to give guidance for home care and support parents.


Welcome Mother
Identify Risk Factors
Measure Temperature
Weigh the Baby
Examine the Baby
Count a Baby’s Breaths
Provide Eye Care
Provide Cord Care
Give Vitamin K
Classify the Baby
Maintain Normal Temperature
Breastfeeding Attachment
Breastfeeding Positions
Improve Supply of Milk
Flat or Inverted Nipples
Breast Engorgement
Sore or Cracked Nipples
Reassess for Discharge
Immunize: Intradermal Injection
Advise about Home Care
Maintain Skin-to-Skin
Support Breastfeeding
Treat Risk of Infection
Provide Continuous Skin-to-Skin
Improve Thermal Care
Express Breastmilk
Assess Feeding Tolerance
Feed with Cup
Insert a Nasogastric Tube
Transition to Exclusive Breastfeeding
Prepare for Discharge
Advise about Ongoing Care
Assess for Danger Signs
Give Antibiotics
Recognize Severe Jaundice
Stabilize for Referral as Needed


You will be practicing in pairs or small groups. Each pair of participants will use:

  • Action Plan
  • Provider Guide, one per participant
  • Parent Guides
  • Practice Cards
  • Newborn simulator
  • Small newborn simulator
  • Breast simulator
  • Pen and paper
  • Hand cleaner
  • Gloves
  • Clock
  • Baby hat or cap
  • Cloths, dry and clean
  • Cord ties/clamps
  • Stethoscope
  • Ventilation bag and mask
  • Suction device
  • Scissors
  • Thermometer
  • Syringe

Sustainable practice

Regular practice reinforces new knowledge and skills. Practice also develops skills and improves teamwork and clinical decision-making. After the course, use the same Simulation Practice Cards that were introduced during the course to practice in short, frequent sessions with your team.

Select your role
