The training materials

Every training program includes unique training materials that follows the latest evidence and guidance.

The HMBS programs and training materials follow educational principles to promote retention of knowledge and skills. They are user-friendly and cost-effective, making them accessible in any training setting. To ensure global availability, all training materials are available as PDFs or online tools available at no cost. You can find links to download the materials on each program’s page on this website, or via the resource library.

You can print all training materials locally, or alternatively order them from Laerdal Global Health. Non-profit prices are available for countries with neonatal and/or maternal mortality rates higher than the SDG targets. You can refer to the full list of qualifying countries for more information.

Do you have questions about translations? Get in touch

  • Action Plans

    Action plans show the steps to take during care, acting as aids during training and remaining in healthcare settings to be used after the training as a job aid for active clinical practice. The action plans use a “traffic light” system, where the colors green, yellow and red indicate the level of care needed.

  • Flip Chart or Online Facilitation

    Facilitators guide the participants through the course using online digital learning OR printed Flip Charts, with demonstrations, discussions, and practice.

  • Provider Guides and Simulation Practice Cards

    Participants get provider guides and simulation practice cards to use during and after the training, to review and revisit content. They enable practice over time.

  • Maternal and Newborn Simulators

    Simulators allow for vital hands-on practice. MamaBirthie, MamaNatalie, NeoNatalie, and NeoNatalie Live by Laerdal are low cost, portable, and durable options, proven to raise the quality of care.